Monday, September 23, 2024

Character Above All

This month, I want to focus on John C. Maxwell's tagline in one of his most recent LinkedIn posts"Character Above All."

Michael Josephson TRRFCC Character Message

John says, "People cannot climb beyond the limitations of their character.  Leaders cannot succeed beyond the depth of their character."

Isn't that interesting? Every day, emails and social posts are written and posted about leadership. However, very few are written and posted about "CHARACTER."

In one of his LinkedIn posts, John said, "Everything rises and falls on leadership, but leadership rises and falls on character."

Furthermore, John says, "Undeveloped character is the lid on a leader's influence."

I have been a John Maxwell Leadership Coach and Trainer since about 2002, when John's company was headquartered in Atlanta, GA.  We could only certify one book:  Developing the Leader Within You (DTLWY).

Almost two decades later, John updated the DTLWY book to Developing the Leader Within You 2.0.

One of the most impactful changes John made in the second version of DTLWY was changing the Chapter 3 Title and Subtitle.  

In the original version of DTLWY, John titled chapter 3 Integrity, with the subtitle The Most Important Ingredient of Leadership.

In the second version of DTLWY, John changed the title to Character and the subtitle to The Foundation of Leadership.

Just that one change alone was highly impactful and significant.

Going back to the statement, Character Above All, it is readily apparent that John is really focused on three key concepts:

1.  Leaders cannot succeed beyond the depth of their character.

2.  Leadership rises and falls on character.

3.  Character is the Foundation of Leadership.

Powerful concepts and absolutely true!

Today, I encourage you to focus on "Leading with Character First!" 

To grow and develop in character it is important to learn and practice good character habits.

Everyday, I train and coach entrepreneurs, business owners and C-Level Executives to grow and develop their character habits so the lid on their "Influence-Ability" is lifted much higher.

My second book, Coach-Ability and The Tricycle Effect, will be published on 19 October 2024. Its subtitle is Coaching Character as the Foundation of LeadershipKeep an eye out for it because it will transform how you look at and live your life.

Coach-Ability and The Tricycle Effect Book Cover image
Coach-Ability and The Tricycle Effect Book - Coming 19 October 2024!

My first book, the second and updated version, is titled The Tricycle Effect 2.0 and uses the image of a tricycle with the front wheel (the largest wheel on a trike) being the Character Skills Wheel.  Notice I said Character SKILLS.  Yes!  Your character can be growing and developing daily.  Here is a link to my book(s):

The Tricycle Effect eplained in a Doodle Video

Tricycle Effect Explained in a Doodle:

Until next time, remember "Character Above All, and "keep leading with character first."

If you want to read more about Character Above All, here is the LinkedIn post from John C. Maxwell:

Trike On!

Coach Dane

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hone Your Problem-Solving Skillset


Think back to the last issue you encountered (this can be a work or personal issue), and consider what steps you took to approach the problem and find a solution. During that process, what kind of hurdles did you face? What steps did you take to overcome those challenges? 

Thinking through how you’ve problem-solved in the past can help you gain an understanding of how successful you are as a problem-solver overall. 

Why does this matter?

In the workplace, problem-solving skills refer to the ability to handle difficult or unexpected situations and complex business challenges. Therefore, problem-solving skills are traits that enable you to assess situations and calmly identify solutions. Such skills are also highly useful in other areas of life like relationship building and day-to-day decision-making.

Let’s take a look at a few essential skills problem-solvers possess. 

As a problem solver, the ability to identify the cause of an issue is essential. This is accomplished by gathering information by brainstorming with other team members, consulting more experienced colleagues, or acquiring knowledge through research.

Analytical skills will help you understand problems and effectively develop solutions. 

The way you listen to others and your ability to share aspects of a problem will help reduce any confusion and make implementing a solution easier.

Creative problem-solving goes beyond conventional approaches to find solutions. This approach identifies unique solutions to issues through a process of problem identification and resolution planning.

You can improve your creative problem-solving skills by practicing the following techniques:
Use a strategic framework
Practice empathy
Get a hobby
Relax your assumptions
Practice persistence
Question standard practices
Consider your past experiences
Become an expert in your field
Practice creative problem-solving
Ask for help

I hope this helps you.  I am here to help.  Contact me at any time.

Kind Regards and Trike On!

Coach Dane



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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Embracing Integrity for Lasting Leadership

John Maxwell once said, "Integrity commits itself to character over personal gain, to people over things, to service over power, to principle over convenience, to the long view over the immediate." This powerful quote encapsulates the essence of true leadership. 

In this blog post, we'll explore what this quote means, how you can implement its principles in your life, and actionable steps to help you make integrity a cornerstone of your leadership journey.

What John Maxwell's Quote Means:

Maxwell's quote highlights five key aspects of integrity:

  1. Character Over Personal Gain:
    • Choosing to act ethically and morally, even when it may not benefit you personally.
    • Prioritizing honesty and trustworthiness over shortcuts and deceit.
    • Demonstrating strong character and integrity consistently.

  2. People Over Things:
    • Valuing relationships and the well-being of others more than material possessions or status.
    • Building meaningful connections based on respect, empathy, and authenticity.
    • Recognizing the importance of character education in developing strong interpersonal skills.
  3. Service Over Power:
    • Focusing on how you can help and uplift others rather than seeking control or dominance.
    • Leading with a servant's heart, where the goal is to empower and support your team.
    • Promoting a culture of teamwork, psychological safety, and employee engagement.
  4. Principle Over Convenience:
    • Standing firm in your values and ethical principles, even when it's challenging or inconvenient.
    • Making decisions based on what is right, not what is easy or expedient.
    • Adhering to high moral standards and a strong ethical foundation.
  5. The Long View Over the Immediate:
    • Thinking about the long-term impact of your actions rather than seeking instant gratification.
    • Planning and acting with a vision for the future, aiming for sustainable success and organizational growth.
    • Recognizing that integrity and leadership are essential for long-term success.

How to Implement Integrity in Your Life:

  1. Self-Reflection:
    • Regularly assess your actions and decisions to ensure they align with your values.
    • Ask yourself if you are prioritizing character, people, service, principles, and the long-term.
    • Develop self-awareness to recognize areas where you can improve your integrity as a leader.
  2. Set Clear Values:
    • Define what integrity means to you and establish clear personal and professional values.
    • Communicate these values to those around you and hold yourself accountable to them.
    • Ensure your values align with ethical standards and moral conduct.
  3. Lead by Example:
    • Demonstrate integrity in your actions and decisions, inspiring others to do the same.
    • Be transparent and honest in your communication, even when it's difficult.
    • Serve as a role model for integrity and leadership in your organization.
  4. Build Trust:
    • Cultivate trust through consistent and ethical behavior.
    • Show respect and empathy in all your interactions, valuing people over things.
    • Foster a workplace culture built on integrity, transparency, and authenticity.
  5. Focus on Service:
    • Seek opportunities to serve others and contribute positively to your community and organization.
    • Empower your team by providing support, encouragement, and resources for character education.
    • Prioritize conflict resolution and building strong relationships based on integrity.

Action Steps to Make It Happen:

  1. Create a Personal Mission Statement:
    • Write a mission statement that outlines your commitment to integrity and ethical leadership.
    • Revisit and revise it regularly to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with your character strengths.
    • Share your mission statement on your character website or character organization website.
  2. Develop Accountability Partners:
    • Partner with trusted colleagues or mentors who can provide feedback and hold you accountable to your values.
    • Engage in regular check-ins to discuss challenges, progress, and opportunities for growth in integrity.
    • Seek out character education programs or integrity-focused leadership development opportunities.
  3. Practice Ethical Decision-Making:
    • When faced with decisions, consider the ethical implications and choose the path that aligns with your moral foundation.
    • Reflect on past decisions to identify areas for improvement and strengthen your integrity muscles.
    • Consult with others who demonstrate strong character and integrity when facing complex ethical dilemmas.
  4. Invest in Personal Growth:
    • Continuously seek opportunities for learning and development to strengthen your character and leadership skills.
    • Attend workshops, read books, and engage in discussions that promote ethical leadership and integrity.
    • Explore character curriculum and character education resources to deepen your understanding.
  5. Join a Community of Like-Minded Leaders:
    • Surround yourself with individuals who share your commitment to integrity and ethical leadership.
    • Participate in groups or networks that support personal and professional growth focused on character and integrity.
    • Engage with character school initiatives or character websites to connect with others passionate about integrity in leadership.

Call to Action:

Are you ready to embrace integrity and transform your leadership journey? Dive deeper into the principles of character, competence, and courage with my book, The Tricycle Effect. This book offers practical strategies and inspiring stories to help you build a foundation of integrity and lead with confidence.

But don't stop there! Join our masterclass and community designed to take your learning to the next level. Gain access to exclusive content, engage with fellow leaders, and receive personalized guidance to ensure your growth and success in leading with integrity.

Buy The Tricycle Effect book today and enroll in our masterclass and community. Start your journey towards exceptional leadership now!

Trike On!

By embracing the principles outlined in John Maxwell's quote and committing to integrity in your leadership, you can create a lasting positive impact on your life and those you lead. Take the first step today and transform your leadership with The Tricycle Effect. Remember, the importance of integrity in leadership cannot be overstated - it is the foundation upon which trust, respect, and long-term success are built. By prioritizing character and integrity, you can become the kind of leader who inspires others to greatness and leaves a legacy of positive change.