Monday, December 5, 2022

Personality Traits

Dear Team,

Personal development is all about learning and gaining insight. Today I want to focus on the importance of understanding ourselves. We may think we know a lot about ourselves, but taking time to reflect on our traits can shed light on different aspects of our personalities.

One personality trait most people identify with is being extroverted or introverted. These concepts were introduced by Carl Gustav Jung, the father of analytical psychology. Jung’s theory of psychological types roots in much of what we know today and has inspired several different theories.

Do you consider yourself to be someone who focuses on the internal world (introvert) or the outside world (extrovert)? You may feel you fit equally into both categories, in which case you would be considered an Ambivert. Ambiversion means that someone falls in the middle of the Introversion-Extraversion scale, being neither too outgoing nor too withdrawn.

Many popular personality tests focus on different traits to identify a personality type. For example, someone's political views often correlate with other personality traits. A well-known personality test, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, is based on various traits that are used to describe various personality types.

Delving into your specific personality traits can reveal a lot about the way you think, learn, and relate to others. This insight can provide a path toward personal development.

What better way is there to delve into personal development than learning about your unique personality?

For a breakdown of your personality along four different spectrums, yielding a total of 16 unique personality types and revealing implications for romantic relationships, career, friendship, and almost every aspect of life, try the 16 Personalities test. This is a free version of the psychology-backed Meyers-Briggs personality test, and many consider this the personality test of all personality tests:

We are motivated to educate as many people as possible which is why we host many events. From in-person educational experiences to virtual webinars and even parties to celebrate our clients, we encourage everyone to get involved with all of our offerings. Contact me today to learn more about leadership, DISC, and personal growth and development for you and your team!

Kind regards,

Dane Deutsch
Dane Deutsch
Coach / Speaker / Trainer / Author

LMDC  |  (715) 953-4844  |  (715) 953-4890  |  |  32 S. Main St., Rice Lake, WI. 54868

"Leadership is Influence, nothing more, nothing less!" - John C. Maxwell
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