Sunday, June 2, 2019

Be a Champion of Character!

NOTE:  This blog post was written with excerpts of Chapter 12 in my book on Leading with Character First called “The Tricycle Effect.”

Chapter 12 is titled, “Champions Are Not Champions Because They Win,
They Are Champions Because of Their Character!”

Be a Champion of Character!

“Champions are made in practice, not on the playing field!”

This chapter focused on telling the story of one of my gymnasts with great character. She was not the most talented gymnast and also had to work harder to overcome her height to become a solid performer in the art and sport of gymnastics. She became a solid and high level gymnast successfully competing for over 15 years.

"Being a champion means you work on developing all the wheels of your Tricycle - at work and at home. That is what makes you a true champion. Be a champion within yourself first by being true to self. Keep "trikin' " no matter when good or bad times come, and keep focused on following your True North with the moral compass, while simultaneously developing your technical skills and people skills."

Guess what?  Champions are also made in the business rooms too!  That is exactly right.
Business is a lot like sports.  There is competition, and technical skills, and people skills,
and even character skills that are built or not built and are exhibited or not exhibited from
working in the business world.

Unfortunately, many people in the business world don’t understand that character is built on
the Business Field (i.e.- in the business rooms) just like it is built on the Sport Playing Field.
Or more importantly, as I once learned...."Sports doesn't build character, it reveals character
and then we can coach it."

Furthermore, many business owners and leaders don’t understand that character skills can
be grown and must be a made a priority by choice in setting personal and business goals.
That way great business can be built and thrive, not just survive. Leading with Character
First in business and in life will help build and cultivate a great business culture that is
strong, successful, significant, and profitable.

Billionaire and Businessman, Warren Buffet gives rich business advice in a Inc. article - By
Marcel Schwantes titled, “Warren Buffett Says Integrity Is the Most Important Trait to
Hire For.  It holds intelligence and energy together, or everything crumbles.”

Here is the quote from Warren Buffet (Billionaire and Businessman),
Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three
qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if you don't have the first, the
other two will kill you. You think about it; it's true. If you hire somebody without
[integrity], you really want them to be dumb and lazy.”

Champion Businss Man
So, as Chapter 12 coaches you, just like in sports, so it is in business, a real champion is a
champion of Character that focuses on building a balance between all the wheels on the
Tricycle, and even more importantly, Leads with the Character Wheel first in both business
and life.

Be a Champion of Character in Business and in Life!

Go Make a Difference my friend and Trike On!

Best Regards,

Coach Dane