Monday, October 4, 2021

Is Performance more Important than Trust?

 hello friend
Hi Team,

Yup...I am speaking to you.  If you are reading this now, then I consider you are a member of my Team...or my Tribe, as Seth Godin (@sethgodin) terms it.  


If you haven't been to my blog before, glad to have you here!

I'm Dane and I'm your "Character Builder Coach."

Being that I am also a USAF Veteran, and the military is always leading and on the "cutting edge" of leadership thought and skills, I felt you might enjoy this video teaching by Simon Sinek:

(Note:  Please watch this video before you read the rest of this blog post.)
Here is a simple diagram of what Simon is saying:

I am teaching exactly what Simon is sharing in this video...both as an instructor full-time at UW Stout in Menomonie, WI, (teaching Cybertechnology Ethics) and as a coach, entrepreneur, and business owner at the Leadership and Management Development in Character LLC. (

My take is a little bit different than Simon's however.  I build on what Simon says.

Simon's discussion of the concept of Seal Team 6 Performance runs parallel to my illustration of the Competence Wheels in a book I authored and titled "The Tricycle Effect" (i.e.- TTE at

If you visit The Tricycle Effect book on Amazon you can read the Foreword and First Chapter for FREE;  

The Trust side of the graph that Simon is referring to is what I call the Character Wheel in TTE.

To sum that up:  "Performance is to Competence as Trust is to Character!"

Simon says almost no one is measuring the Trust factor.  

That is the sad truth, and yet that is the most important skill we all need to grow:
Character Skill.  

We need to be measuring Character in our organizations as a critical part of our performance evaluation as well as in the hiring process.  

NOTHING is more important than getting the right people on the TEAM (or bus) by hiring primarily for their Character Skill.  And yet, there are very few HR people that even talk about Character.

It takes a lot of COURAGE (TTE Seat) to make the decision to hire for character.

We definitely seem to have it all wrong....we need to "Hire for Character and Train for the Competence."

Warren Buffet says, "We look for three things when we hire people. We look for intelligence, we look for initiative or energy, and we look for integrity. And if they don't have the latter, the first two will kill you, because if you're going to get someone without integrity, you want them lazy and dumb."  (Quote shared from Buffet's Quote on

So, we need competence (i.e.-intelligence and initiative/energy), Yes!  

But, more importantly, and this is a big "BUT", we need Character which leads to Trust even more so, especially within our TEAMS.

Want to learn more about how to develop your CHARACTER SKILLS, then visit me at my website at or  #thetricycleeffect

Finally, I recorded a video of me walking you through the different aspects of Performance versus Trust in this Blog.   You can find this video on my Tube Channel:

You might consider following me to get all my coaching videos.  You can find me on YouTube at

I want to Shout Out to Simon Sinek for his very insightful video and teaching!  Thank you Simon!  Keep it going.:)

Keep leading with Character First!

Trike On!
Coach Dane

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